Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee - 1658 Words
All through America s history, individuals have confronted numerous issues. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee shows a portion of the issues that America managed in the 1930 s. J.B. Lippincott published the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird in 1960. Harper Lee splendidly shows the issues of good training, social disparities, and prejudice in this novel. The setting of To Kill a Mockingbird happens in Maycomb, Alabama, a residential community generally comprising a more racist white society. The story happens amid The Great Depression in the mid 1930 s. Other than the few individuals in the town, numerous individuals struggled with money. The Finch family is the principle characters in the novel. Scout, the narrator of the novel,†¦show more content†¦Since Boo was never seen outside of his home and later wounded his father to death, he was seen as crazy. The town s insensible perspective of Boo relates with their perspectives to later circumstances. The interest blurs once Dill returns home; the late spring finished and the children headed over to class. On the first day of school, Scout was immediately incensed when she was scrutinized for having the capacity to peruse, while a large portion of the class proved unable. Mrs. Caroline, Scout s instructor, had an immediate educational program that she was going to educate. Atticus read to Scout at home, and she was in front of the learning educational program. Scout was also scrutinized in school for telling Mrs. Caroline that Walter Cunningham, a poor white schoolmate, wouldn t have the capacity to pay for the lunch that he received. Scout kept on making these immature comments to Walter when Jem welcomed him over for supper. Calpurnia, the black servant for the Finch family, takes Scout into the kitchen and slaps her on the wrist. Calpurnia had the capacity clarify the social contrasts between the rich and poor people, since she was dark, the poorest among the social classes. Sc out was uninformed that the social imbalances can be seen as negative. Atticus advises Scout to place herself in other individuals shoes, before she judges that individual. The Boo Radley amusements proceeded with once Dill came back to Maycomb
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Child Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church Essay - 1044 Words
In over a period of years, an increasing amount of attention has been shed to the problem of child sexual abuse in the church. While churches, and other facilities which care for children, have had their experience of this problem, most attention has been brought to the abuse in the Catholic Church. Around the world, case after case has been seen in the press of clergy and members of religious orders being charged with sex offenses against children. Some of these cases go back decades. The issue has certainly brought attention around the world. The reason why, is the question that ponders in everyone mind. The John Jay College of Criminal Justice found that 4% of all priests who had served in the US from 1950 to 2002 had†¦show more content†¦The issue of opportunity is a major factor in the sex offenses in Churches. In churches, opportunities for abuse are in activities such as taking children home after an activity or youth group, giving individual attention to a child, and being alone with children in summer camps. These opportunities allow priests to be alone with children without other adults being suspicious or concerned. Another factor in explaining the opportunity for abuse is the power and influence that clergy have. Since in the church, priests or ministers are influential in defining what is right and wrong, they may have the power to show abusive behavior as normal. Children are in a position that church workers can use their authority within the church to persuade a child to comply with sexual acts (Farrell Taylor 2000). When authority is misused in this way it adds trauma to the abuse. The betrayal of trust involved is enormous, and for some victims it causes the difficulty to trust authority again. As awareness towards the problem of child sexual abuse has increased, the opportunity for abuse has decreased and the consequences has increased. Prof. Des Cahill (2012b) states: â€Å"So it is important to ask: why has there been a decline in clerical child sex abuse since the 1980s...? To me there are eight reasons for the decline: the social visibility given to the issue since about 1983; the better child protection mechanisms that we have in place; the greater vigilance of Catholic parentsShow MoreRelatedChild Sexual Abuse Scandal in the Catholic Church1319 Words  | 5 Pages the child sexual abuse scandal has rocked the Roman Catholic Church and parishes across the United States. In the last few years, it has even creeped overseas and now constitutes the greatest moral crisis that has faced the Church in more than a century. While the Church has promised and instituted reforms, the damage has been major to its reputation. 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ThisRead MoreThe American Youth Soccer Organization898 Words  | 4 Pagesthe Child Protection Act. So when time came for our church in Washington to create a children’s ministry program, I was able to help the church in implementing these Acts into its policies. We never called the news and spouted off that we were the first to do such as another church attempted to do, because we did these things to protect the Children and our volunteers. The other church that had done similar did so just to attract new member into its ranks. Another problem with today’s church isRead MoreSex Abuse And The Catholic Church773 Words  | 4 Pagessex scandals. As a result, sexual misconduct is a major issue in the churches today. Child molestation within the churches reeks of priests being caught-up in lust and unmistakably is a real sign that the brotherhood lacks guidance of the profound reality of the LORD’S sexual identity. 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California Congresswoman Jackie Speier, Democrat, wants to federalize a state law to protect pedophiles. In October 2013, the top cleric in Poland’s Roman Catholic Church said parents share blame for certain cases of pedophilia. Recently, Iranian legislature approved a law that will allow girls under the age of 13 to marry as long as the permission of her father is granted. This research paper will examine theRead MoreChristianity and Islam Essay948 Words  | 4 Pagesgreat moral and ethical conflicts including, homosexual rights, and sexual abuse. Roman Catholics are the largest faith group within Christianity. In recent years, more cases on child sexual abuse perpetrated by priests are being discovered. The scandals have had a substantial impact on the integrity of church leaders. Many of these c ases pertain to molestations committed years ago that were muted by the Church at that time. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Nursing Jurisprudence Free Essays
string(65) " professional standards and legally authorized scope of nursing\." LEGAL ETHICAL issues in Nursing Nursing Etiquette concerned with moral principle governing the conduct of nurses towards patients, physicians, colleagues, the nursing profession and public Ethics part of philosophy that deals with systematic approaches to questions of morality a term for the study of how we make judgments regarding right and wrong a system of MORAL PRINCIPLES or moral standards governing conduct Moral human conduct in the application of ethics Concerned with JUDGMENT PRINCIPLES of right and wrong in relation to human actions and character Determinants of the Morality of Human Act †¢The OBJECT †¢The END †¢The CIRCUMSTANCES Ethical Principles Ethical Principles: INVIOLABILITY OF LIFE All human life, from the moment of conception and through all subsequent stages, is SACRED! No one can violate or destroy life! 8 ETHICAL DILEMMAS 1. 2. 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing Jurisprudence or any similar topic only for you Order Now 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION IN VITRO FERTILIZATION HUMAN CLONING CONTRACEPTION ABORTION EUTHANASIA PHYSICIAN ASSISTED SUICIDE HUMAN TRANSPLANTATION 9 Argument favoring Euthanasia: compassion for the patient and shortening the period of suffering of the patient Argument disapproving Euthanasia: it is intrinsically wrong since it rejects life. 10 STEWARDSHIP Man has DOMINION over God’s creation: himself (life and health), creatures and environment One should reasonably, responsibly and respectfully benefit from them for service NOT domination TOTALITY Parts are integral, destined to be part of and subordinate to a whole SOLIDARITY One to be with others; to have a unity of interest, responsibility or goal. Based on the common good, love of neighbor, preferential for the most proximate and most need SUBSIDIARITY Every creature should be entrusted with the functions he is capable of performing. It relates to human dignity and recognize persons as free and responsible agents able to care and make decisions for them AUTONOMY – Self Governance/Self Rule – Having the freedom to make choices 4 Basic Elements of Autonomy 1. Respect for Autonomous Person 2. Ability to determine personal goals 3. Capacity to decide 4. Has Freedom to Act CONFIDENTIALITY Requires non-disclosure of private or secret information Confidentiality of Information ? Privileged communication ? Based on trust Revealed when: a. The patient permits such revelation. b. Medico-legal cases/legal proceedings c. Communicable disease /public safety may be jeopardized. d. Continuity of care JUSTICE – refers to the obligation to be fair to other people. Types: 1. distributive justice- fair distribution of responsibilities 2. criminal justice- penalty proportionate to crime 3. rectificatory justice- just compensation in civil law Distributive Justice To each equally. To each according to need. To each according to merit. To each according to person’s right. To each according to individual effort. To each as you would have done by. To each according to the greatest good to a greater number Double Effect Principle When an act has both good and bad effects, it is permissible if: 1) The direct freely chosen effect is morally good and the indirect foreseen but not desired may be harmful, 2) The action/object must not be evil, 3) The foreseen beneficial effect must be greater or equal to the foreseen evil effect 4) The beneficial effect must follow directly from the action or at least as immediate as the harmful effect BENEFICENCE- means to do good and not to do harm. NON- MALEFICENCE- one ought not to inflict evil or harm. 22 FIDELITY- refers to the obligation to be faithful to the agreements, commitments and responsibilities that one has made to oneself and others VERACITY- refers to telling the truth or not intentionally deceiving or misleading patients 23 RESPECT- treat all human beings as persons with rights SHARING AND ALLOCATION OF RESOURCESwho will receive particular scarce resources. 24 NURSING ETHICS ? All principles of right conduct in the practice of nursing ? Appraisal of rightness or wrongness of an act BIO–ETHICS Specific domain of ethics †¢ Systemic study of human behavior in the field of life science and health care in the light of moral values and principles Code of Nursing Ethics †¢ respect for human dignity †¢ safeguards the client’s right to privacy †¢ safeguard client and public †¢ assumes responsibility and accountability for own actions and judgments †¢ maintains competence in nur sing †¢ uses informed judgment, competence and qualifications in accepting responsibilities and delegating nursing activities †¢ Contributes to the development of the profession’s body of knowledge implement and improve standards of care †¢ establish and maintain conditions of employment conducive to high-quality nursing care †¢ protect the public from misinformation and misrepresentation and to maintain the integrity of nursing †¢ In collaboration with other allied health team members, meet the health care needs of the public Patient’s Bill of Rights The patient has the right to: 1) considerate and respectful care. 2) relevant, current, and understandable information concerning diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. ) make decisions regarding his plan of care; in case of refusal, he is entitled to other appropriate care and service or to be transferred to another hospital. 4) Have advance directive (such as living will) concerning treatment or d esignating a surrogate decision maker. 5) Every consideration of his privacy such as in case discussion, consultation and treatment. 6) Confidentiality of communication and records 7) Review his records concerning his medical care and have these explained to him except when restricted by law. ) Expect that within its capacity and policies, a hospital will make reasonable response to the request of a patient for appropriate and medically indicated care and services. 9) Be informed of business relationship among hospital, educational institution, health care providers that may influence the patient’s treatment and care. 10) Consent or decline to participate in experimental research affecting his care. 11) Reasonable continuity of care when appropriate and be informed of other care options when hospital care is no longer appropriate 12) Be informed of hospital policies and practices that relate to patient care. Nurse’s Bill of Rights Nurse’s have the right to: 1) Practice in a manner that fulfills their obligation to the society and to those who receive nursing care. 2) Practice in environments that allow them to act in accordance with professional standards and legally authorized scope of nursing. You read "Nursing Jurisprudence" in category "Essay examples" 3) Work environment that supports and facilitates ethical practice 4) Freely and openly advocate for themselves and their patients without fear of retribution. 5. Fair compensation for their work consistent with their knowledge, experience, and professional responsibilities. 6. Work environment that is safe for themselves and their patients. 7. Negotiate conditions of employment, in all practice settings. LEGAL ASPECTS OF NURSING Nursing Jurisprudence the philosophy of law, or the science which treats the principles of positive law and legal relations Comprises all laws, rules, doctrines and principles, legal opinions and decisions of competent authority regarding governance and regulations of the practice of nursing. Functions of the Law in Nursing 1. Provides a framework for establishing what nursing actions in the care of patients are legal. . Delineates the nurse’s responsibilities from those of other health practitioners 3. Helps to establish the boundaries of independent nursing action 4. Assists in maintaining a standard of nursing practice by making nurses accountable under the law. Philippine Nursing Law Philippine Nursing Act of 2002 R. A. 9173 (October 21, 2002/ November 20, 2002) regulates Philippine nursing practice at present. The law p rovides about nursing registration, nursing examination, nursing education, nursing practice, and health human resource production, utilization and development. It is made up of 19 articles and 41 sections. Prohibitions in Practice of Nursing (Section 35) PENALTY: Fine: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Php50,000- Php100,000 and/or Imprisonment 1- 6 years practice nursing without certificate or special permit use the certificate of others as his own use an invalid certificate give false evidence during registration falsely pose or advertise as a registered nurse illegally append BSN/RN to his/her name abet or assist the illegal practice of a person who is not lawfully qualified to practice nursing NEGLIGENCE Commission or omission of an act, pursuant to a duty, that a reasonably prudent person in the same or similar circumstance would or would not do, and acting or the non-acting of which is the proximate cause of injury to another person or his property Elements of Professional Negligence †¢ Duty †¢ Breach of duty †¢ Foreseeability †¢ Injury †¢ Direct relationship between failure to meet standard of care and injury can be proved Res Ipsa Loquitor â€Å"the thing speaks for itself†3 conditions: 1. Accident which ordinarily doesn’t occur in the absence of someone’s negligence 2. Must be caused by an agency or within the exclusive control of the defendant 3. Must not have been due to voluntary action or contribution on the part of the plaintiff Specific Examples of Negligence †¢ Failure to report observations to attending physicians. †¢ Failure to exercise the degree of diligence which the circumstances of the particular case demands. †¢ Mistaken identity. †¢ Wrong medicine, wrong concentration, wrong route, wrong dose. Defects in the equipment such as stretchers and wheelchairs may lead to falls thus injuring the patients. †¢ Errors due to family assistance. †¢ Administration of medicine without a doctor’s prescription. Legal Defense in Negligence †¢ Provision of standard of care in giving service and that they have documented the care they given in a concise and accurate manner. †¢ Exercise sound judgment †¢ â⠂¬Å"assumption of risk†MALPRACTICE Stepping beyond one’s authority with serious consequences Reducing The Risk of Malpractice Litigation †¢ Maintain Good Communication Be courteous, show respect, and take time to listen – Do not belittle patients or make value judgment – Involve patients in decision making – Assess clients level of understanding – Explain so client understand – Clarify and verify Reducing The Risk of Malpractice Litigation †¢ Maintain Expertise in Practice – Keep up to date in both knowledge and skills – Do not attempt any task or give any meds that is unfamiliar – Practice within the professional scope of practice – Be familiar with standards of care – Be attentive of client’s changing status – Pay close attention to details – Document objectively, thoroughly and in a timely fashion Reducing The Risk of Malpractice Litigation †¢ Maintain autonomy and empowerment – Challenge questionable physician order – Seek attention for patient with changing needs – Challenge bureaucratic structures that threaten patient’s welfare – Avoid institutional settings that produce systematic threats to patient welfare Respondeat Superior †¢ Let the superior answer for the acts of the subordinate †¢ Master and servant are answerable; servant is responsible †¢ Actions performed by the employee within the scope of his employment. Force Majeure â€Å"irresistible/ superior force††¢ Accident which human prudence can neither foresee or prevent †¢ â€Å"Act of God†Liability of Nurses †¢ Work of Nursing Aides †¢ Work of Nursing Students Delegation A process of transferring selected Nursing tasks to an individual who is competent. Any nursing intervention that requires independent special nursing knowl edge, skill or judgment CANNOT be delegated. Tasks that involve the assessment, planning and evaluation phases of the nursing process cannot be delegated. Delegation involves: †¢ Responsibility: an obligation to accomplish a task Accountability: acceptance of responsibility for the outcome of a duty †¢ Authority: right to act or empower Principles of delegation †¢ A nurse can only delegate those tasks for which that nurse is responsible, according to the specific state’s nurse practice act The delegator remains accountable for the task Along with responsibility for a task, the nurse who delegates must also transfer the authority necessary to complete the task The delegator knows well the task to be delegated Delegation is a contractual agreement that is entered into voluntarily †¢ †¢ †¢ Telephone Orders †¢ Only in an extreme emergency and when no other resident or intern is available. †¢ Nurse should read back the order to the physician . †¢ Signed by the physician within 24 hours. †¢ Nurse should sign the name of physician per her own and note the time the order was received. CONSENT CONSENT †¢ Free and rational act that presupposes knowledge of the thing to which consent is being given by a person who is legally capable to give consent. †¢ Authorization, by a patient or a person authorized by law to give the consent on the patient’s behalf. Informed Consent a) The diagnosis and explanation of the condition. b) A fair explanation of the procedures to be done and used and the consequences. c) A description of alternative treatments or procedures. d) A description of the benefits to be expected. e) Material rights if any. f) The prognosis. Things to Remember: †¢ Patient is the one who gives the consent. †¢ Person who is authorized to give the consent in behalf of the patient. †¢ Parents of minors. †¢ Minors are allowed if emancipated or married. †¢ Parents or legal guardians for mentally ill patients. Emergency situation entails implied consent. †¢ Patient has the right to refuse. MEDICAL RECORDS ? Legal protection for the hospital, doctor, and nurse ? â€Å"If it was not charted, it was not observed or done. †? Nurses are expected to fully, accurately, legibly, and promptly document their observations. ? Subpoena duces tecum ? When a nurse or clinical instructor countersigns the chart ing of a nursing student, he/she attests that he/she has personal knowledge of information and that such is accurate and authentic. CRIME ?An act committed or omitted in violation of the law. Elements: a)Criminal act b)Evil/criminal intent TORTS ?A legal wrong, committed against a person or property. 1. Assault and Battery 2. False Imprisonment or Illegal Detention 3. Invasion of Right to Privacy and Breach of Confidentiality 4. Defamation Criminal Actions a. Misdemeanor †¢ †¢ General name for a criminal offense which does not amount to felony Punishment is usually a fine or imprisonment less than 1 year. b. Felony †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Public offense Liable to be sentenced to death or penitentiary imprisonment. Deceit (dolo) ? deliberate intent Fault (culpa)? rongful acts result from imprudence , negligence, or lack of skill or foresight Classes of Felonies Degree of the Acts of Execution Attempted †¦offender commences the commission of the act and does not perform all the acts or execution by reason of some cause or accident other than his own spontaneous desistance Frustrated Consummated †¦offender performs all †¦when all the elements acts or execution of felony necessary for its execution but never produce it and accomplishment are because of causes present independent of the will of the perpetrator Degree of Punishment Grave Less Grave Light capital punishment (death) or penalties which any of their periods are afflictive (imprisonment ranging from 6 yrs to 1 day to life improsnment or a fine not exceeding P6000. 00) †¦penalties which in †¦penalty of arresto their maximum period menor (imprisonment are correctional for 1 day to 30 days or a (imprisonment ranging fine not exceeding from 1 month and 1 day P200. 00 or both to 30 days or a fine not exceeding P6000. 00 but not less than P200. 00) CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE a. Reckless Imprudence †¢ Person does an act or fails to do it voluntarily but without malice, f rom which material damage results immediately. Person did not use precaution and the damage was not immediate or the impending danger was not evident b. Simple Imprudence †¢ CRIMINAL INTENT †¢ State of mind of a person at the time the criminal act is committed †¢ Knowledge that the act was unlawful Requisites: †¢ There must be FREEDOM †¢ There must be INTELLIGENCE Requisites of Criminal Intent Freedom Intelligence Freedom is absent in the 1. An imbecile or insane (unless following circumstances: acting during lucid of 1. Under compulsion of an interval). irresistible force. 2. Under nine years old. 2. Under the impulse of 3. Over nine under fifteen uncontrollable fear or an equal (unless he had acted with or greater injury. discernment). Persons Criminally Liable Principals †¢Those who take direct part in the execution of the act (principal by direct participation) †¢Those who directly force or induce others to commit it (principal by inducement) †¢Those who cooperate in the commission of the offense by another act without which it would not have been accomplished (principal by cooperation) Accomplices †¢The person who have a common criminal purpose with the criminal. †¢Have the intention to help and knowledge about the crime. Accessories †¢Have the knowledge but did not participate in the act. a. By profiting themselves. b. By concealing or destroying body of the crime, or instrument thereof, in order to prevent its discovery. c. By harboring, concealing or assisting in escape of the principal. Circumstances Affecting Criminal Liability JUSTIFYING ? Does not commit crime in the eye of the law a. In defense of his person or rights b. In defense of the rights of his family c. In order to avoid an evil or injury d. In the fulfillment of a duty e. In obedience to an order by some superior for some lawful purposes EXEMPTING ? There is crime committed but there is no criminal on account of absence of freewill and voluntariness to act. a. An imbecile or insane (unless acted on lucid interval) b. Under 9 yrs c. Over 9 and under 15 (unless acted on discernment) d. While performing a lawful act with due care, cause an injury by mere accident without fault or intention of causing it e. Act under the compulsion of an irresistible force f. Acts under impulse of uncontrollable fear of an equal injury g. Who fails to perform an act required by law, when prevented by some lawful or insuperable cause. MITIGATING ? which lessen the penalty a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Under 18 or over 70 yrs old No intention to commit so grave There was sufficient provocation Acted on impulse so powerful to have produced obfuscation Voluntarily surrendered Deaf or dumb, blind or suffering from defect. Illness that diminish will power Immediate vindication of grave offense to the one committing the felony, his/her spouse, ascend ants, descendants, legitimate, natural or adopted brothers or sisters, or relative by affinity within the first degree Lack of education is not Mitigating in: 1. Rape 2. Forcible abduction 3. Arson 4. Treason 5. In crimes against chastity like seduction and acts of lasciviousness; and 6. Those acts committed in a merciless or heinous manner AGGRAVATING ? †¦which increases the penalty a. Public position b. In contempt of public authority c. Committed with insult or in disregard of the respect of the offended party on account of his/her rank, age, or sex or that it is committed in the dwelling of the offended party, if the latter has not given provocation d. With abuse or confidence or obvious ungratefulness e. in a place of worship f. Conflagration, shipwreck, earthquake, epidemic or other calamity or misfortune g. Price, reward, or promise h. Committed by means of fire, poison, explosion, i. With evident premeditation or after unlawful entry j. Craft, fraud, or disguise is employed k. Causing other wrongs not necessary for its commission ? ALTERNATIVE ? Those which must be taken into consideration as aggravating or mitigating according to the nature effects of the crime and other conditions attending its commission ? Alternative circumstance of relationship should be taken into consideration Points to Observe in Order to Avoid Criminal Liability a. Be very familiar with the nursing law. b. Beware of the laws affecting nursing practice. . At the start of employment, get a copy of your job description, the agency’s rules, regulations and policies. d. Upgrade your skills and competence. e. Accept only such responsibility that is within the scope of your employment and your job description. f. Do not delegate your responsibility to others. g. Determine whether your subordinates are competen t in the work you are assigning them. h. Develop good interpersonal relationships with your coworkers, whether they be your supervisors, peers or subordinates. i. Consult your superiors for problems that may be too big for you to handle. . Verify orders that are not clear to you or those that seem to be erroneous. k. The doctors should be informed about the patient’s condition. l. Keep in mind the value and necessity of keeping accurate and adequate records. m. Patients are entitled to an informed consent. Moral Turpitude An act of baseness, vileness or depravity in social or private duties which a man owes to hi fellow man or society in general, an act contrary to the accepted and customary rule of right and duty between men Murder ? Unlawful killing a human being WITH INTENT to kill. ? A very serious crime Ex. Criminal Abortion Euthanasia Homicide ? Killing of a human being WITHOUT CRIMAL INTENT by a person other than his father, mother or child or any of his ascendants or descendants, or his spouse Abortion ? Expulsion of the product of conceptus before the age of viability ? In the law, any person who, with the intention pr prematurely ending a pregnancy, willfully and unlawfully does any act to cause the same is guilty of procuring abortion ? Art. II Sec. 15 of Phil. Constitution protects the life of the unborn Infanticide ? Killing of a child less than three (3) days of age ? Mother who committed this crime shall be imprisoned for two (2) years, four (4) months and one (1) day to six (6) years Parricide ? Crime committed by one who kills his/her father, mother or child whether legitimate or illegitimate, or any of his ascedants or descedants or his spouse. ? Convicted with this crime, shall be imposed a penalty of life imprisonment (Reclusion Perpetua) to death Robbery ? Crime against a person or property ? The taking of personal property of another person from him or in his presence Common Legal Terms R. Ns should know Affidavit – is a written statement made under oath efore a notary public or other person duly authorized Civil Law – concerned with legal rights and duties of private persons Criminal Law – deals with conduct that is considered to be offensive to a society as a whole Day in Court – the right of a person to appear in court and be heard concerning his complaint/defense Defendant – the person being accused o f wrongdoing; therefore needs to defend himself Deposition – an oral interrogation answering all manner of questions relating to the transaction at issue, given under oath and taken in writing before a judicial officer or attorney How to cite Nursing Jurisprudence, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Environmental Impacts of Definite Products-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Environmental Management System. Answer: A commonly utilized tool in the environmental context makes use of the life-cycle assessment (LCA) to assess the environmental aspects in addition to the potential impacts pertinent to a product in course of all its stages. In this view, studies have been carried out in recent times to evaluate the environmental impacts of definite products. One such product is olive oil that has been extensively investigated for its environmental impacts through relevant studies. I came to know about the available energy recovery alternatives that have the capacity of driving the management of the olive oil industry waste in the Australian context through adoption of LCA procedure owing to the expanding nature of the olive oil industry in the country. The options that are in vogue constituted manufacturing briquettes as solid fuel for the purpose of home heating, application of pellets in two distinctive areas of either domestic water heating or industrial water heating part from other techniques su ch as that of pyrolysis and composting. According to the study findings I came to learn that rather than the current best practice of composting that has been confirmed to exert significant environmental benefits, displacement of electricity from the main grid is capable of harboring better outcomes following utilization of olive waste for the generation of energy products. However, as per the proposition of the study I came to know that highest effectiveness with optimum environmental benefits may be expected from the production of pellets that are applicable for usage in the domestic hot water bodies (El Hanandeh, 2015). Thus, an insight into the choices available for the sake of energy utilization of the solid olive waste in contrast to the industry available practices has been procured through this study that will further add to the knowledge regarding the environmental management system in this regard for future reference. I also referred to another study concerning the small a nd micro scale production of olive oil in northern Jordan that accounted for indicating the environmental efficiency through environmental impacts assessment in addition to conducting the comparative analysis of the olive oil production practices meant for other Mediterranean regions. Assessments were done with respect to five distinct environmental impact categories such as acidification, particulate matter formation, climate change, agricultural land production as well as human toxicity. Referring to the study findings, it became evident to me that environmental efficiency is supported with respect to olive oil production in northern Jordan when compared against large scale olive oil production practices carried out in the Mediterranean regions. Suitable analysis identified climate change and human toxicity as the most sensitive and least sensitive to differences at farm level practices respectively. I understood that the efficacy of the EMS in the region may be further attributed to low utilization of energy, water and chemical resources in addition to fruitful soil management practices that hold potential for improvement through adoption of low tillage or no tillage agricultural practices by the farmers (El Hanandeh Gharaibeh, 2016). Therefore, I believe knowledge acquired about the olive oil production and subsequent waste utilization with respect to two different geographical contexts has the prospect of planning an EMS pertinent to other regions that account for yield of similar product. References El Hanandeh, A. (2015). Energy recovery alternatives for the sustainable management of olive oil industry waste in Australia: life cycle assessment.Journal of Cleaner Production,91, 78-88. El Hanandeh, A., Gharaibeh, M. A. (2016). Environmental efficiency of olive oil production by small and micro-scale farmers in northern Jordan: Life cycle assessment.Agricultural Systems,148, 169-177.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Tourism And Economic Development In Singapore Tourism Essay Essay Example
Tourism And Economic Development In Singapore Tourism Essay Essay The Singapore Tourism Board ( STB ) is a taking economic development in touristry, one of Singapore s cardinal service sectors. The organisation is known for partnership, invention and excellence in doing it a cardinal economic driver for Singapore. ( STB, updated 2010 ) Based on the Singapore Tourism Board ( STB ) media release on April 23, 2009 and October 27, 2009, the cardinal statistics show that there is an unfavourable alteration in inflow of Singapore Tourism. Visitor reaching to Singapore has declined in earlier portion of the twelvemonth 2009 when compared to twelvemonth 2008. This is well caused by the lessening of tourer reaching from Singapore s top five visitor-generating markets which is besides deduction of the external forces by Political, Economical, Socio-cultural and Technology developments at the tourer bring forthing states every bit good as the finish state. Other major factors include the followerss ; We will write a custom essay sample on Tourism And Economic Development In Singapore Tourism Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Tourism And Economic Development In Singapore Tourism Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Tourism And Economic Development In Singapore Tourism Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The gap of boundary lines An addition in disposable income and holidaies Reasonable priced airfares An addition in the figure of people with clip and money More people with the impulse to go The weak public presentation in tourer reaching further leads to worsen in general economic system of the state as Tourism provides authorities with significant revenue enhancement grosss. As there is mutuality between assorted sections of touristry, public presentation by other touristry related sectors such as Hotel, Attractions, Restaurants, Theme Parks and other Resorts in Singapore faced the negative multiplier consequence of the lessening of tourer reaching in earlier 2009. Problem Identification and Analysis As at April 2009, Tourist reaching bead hotel industry public presentation bead in general compared to the same month in twelvemonth 2008 AOR / ARR/ Revpar/ room revenue/ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ There is a tendency in Singapore touristry harmonizing to functionary records that there is a well low inbounds in the first months of a calendar twelvemonth. These could moderately be caused by the agenda and modus operandis of a on the job mid-class visitants where there are least likely to be granted a holiday period. Another cardinal influence of the inflow is the planetary economic system crisis that took topographic point and effected world-wide economic system in 2008 which was triggered by a liquidness deficit in the United States banking system. It contributed to the failure of cardinal concern, diminutions in consumer wealth, significant fiscal committednesss incurred by authoritiess, and a important diminution in economic activity. Harmonizing to the statistics from October 2009, media release by Singapore Tourism Board, the visitant reachings to Singapore has picked up in a positive mark registering increase figure of 9,000 which was about 10 % of the reaching in earlier that twelvemonth. This is an deduction of cardinal part by top visitor-generating markets from Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Japan. These influences could be regarded as a consequence from public vacations at the tourer bring forthing states. Some factors include grant vacations and holiday period by the employer to bulk of the staff and being the most suited clip to unclutter the one-year leave by twelvemonth terminal. Some other factors may be attributed to attractive travel bundles and aggressive selling for major events in the finish state. Statement of Key jobs and Issues Based on the statistics from STB during the earlier months of twelvemonth 2009, there were issues between viing hotel industry. Mid-Tier hotel category, hotels located in premier commercial zones or instantly outlaying countries of Singapore, had achieved the highest AOR but low ARR †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Economy-Tier, hotels in budget section and are by and large located in outlaying countries of Singapore, faced lowest AOR but high ARR and Revpar †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ . Although the growing of tourer reaching improved by terminal of the twelvemonth 2009, the hotel industry remained slow in accomplishing the standard public presentation compared to old twelvemonth. There was a important addition in AOR by September 2009. However ARR/ Revpar decreased ensuing in bead of entire Hotel room gross when compared to twelvemonth 2008. This implies that touristry related sectors and concerns could non better public presentation in line with the tourer reaching as there are strong competition among the competition houses and sharing of market available at given chance. Upscale grade, which include hotels in upscale section and are by and large in premier locations or hotels with dress shop positioning in premier or typical locations, received a lower consequence with little diminution. This shows a certain section of the industry that is non every bit sensitive as other sections. Coevals and Evaluation of Alternative Solutions Hotels operation could avoid important impact by practising gross management†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Media consciousness in tourer bring forthing states, †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ . Travel publicity to be marketed and enforced by oversea tourer offices under STB, peculiarly establishing publicity run for the vacation periods. Government should put against the background of turning chances from both traditional out-bounds markets including the United States, Europe and Japan, and high growing possible markets such as China and India. Execution of Recommendations Should take to distinguish and market Singapore as a must see finish offering a concentration of enriching experiences. STB should transport out the actions to advance Singapore Tourism and the local tourer attractive force in order to stand out as a top finish in Asia Pacific and among the universe celebrated finish. Tour operators, Hotel directions and Food and Beverages concern should spread out their web by associating with more mediators such as travel agents and circuit operators. With current position and strong competition among the houses, concern operators from single touristry sections should understand the mutuality between the assorted sections of touristry as in Travel, Lodging, Food service, and diversion musca volitanss. If any chance given to bind in with one another, these sections should actively originate the bundle that would profit each and every section. For illustration, a travel agent offering air ticket along with room darks of a certain hotel, which will besides have a half twenty-four hours tour at the local attractive forces to lend the local community. It is besides of import to acknowledge the multiplier consequence in the Tourism industry where the money spent by tourers to go, to remain in a hotel or to eat in a eating house, is recycled by those concern to buy more goods thereby bring forthing further usage of the money which is favourable for the local community. Current and future tendency of Singapore Tourism Medical Tourism The addition in the figure of people to seek medical intervention in Singapore has been driven chiefly by cheap travel, a rise in the figure of persons with longer life anticipations and extra income. Furthermore, twosome with expensive and long waiting periods for domestic intervention in other Asia states and the information available through media and cyberspace has boost the inbound medical touristry for Singapore. Since October 2003, Singapore authorities had launched Singapore Medicine, a multi-government enterprise aimed at developing Singapore into one of Asia taking finishs for international patients. It targets to draw1million foreign patients to Singapore by twelvemonth 2012. In footings of gross, it sets to bring forth S $ 3 billion for the medical travel industry where the Economic Development Board ( EDB ) , Singapore Tourism Board ( STB ) and International Enterprise ( IE ) Singapore are portion of this enterprise. ( STB, 2004 ) Singapore Grand Prix Singapore GP is the major event go oning in Singapore which staged Formula 1, auto rushing get downing with the 2008 Season. Many of the F1 fans travelled to Singapore in order to take part in this major juncture, lending a important encouragement in Singapore Tourism. This sort of events has promoted the touristry of Singapore and brought in gross for other touristry related sectors such as Conveyances, Lodging and Food and Beverages. Completion of the two Integrated Resorts Marina Bay Sands and Resort World Sentosa, the two major undertakings had completed in 2010, lending a major addition in tourer reaching mostly from Asia parts and other Europe states. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦
Monday, November 25, 2019
Dreams Movie Review Essay essays
Dreams Movie Review Essay essays After watching the movie Dreams, I feel that it is to complicated and in depth for the average person. Akira Kurosawa, who lived in Japan from 1910 to 1998, directed the movie. Akira was a very respected director, but is criticized for his films being too intellectual. The movie Dreams is set in a series of eight different vignettes. Each vignette goes by very slowly and when watching the movie you lose interest and attentiveness. In the vignette The Blizzard, men are walking thorough a blizzard to get to there next campsite. While walking there is not talking for almost five minutes straight, all you see on the screen is four men walking through snow. When watching this, I lost interest and my mind started to wander. Also, in the vignette The Tunnel, a man hears a bunch of footsteps walking thorough a tunnel coming toward him, this goes on what seem like an eternity and I felt like pushing fast forward to get to the point. This was very mad it very difficult for me to keep my focus and not fall asleep. This film spent way too much time doing nothing on the screen, when it needed actions to get to the point. The movie takes place in unrealistic settings and plot, which get really confusing as you are watching the film. Like in the first vignette Sunshine through the Rain, a little boy is told not to go to the forest when it is raining and the sun is shining at the same time because this is when the foxs hold there wedding. The boy goes to the woods and walks around. A foxes wedding. The boy observes a fox having there wedding in the middle of the forest. The unrealistic storyline makes the movie lose the point it is trying to make. Later during the vignette Crows, where the main character starts off looking in what seems to be an art museum. Then, the main character drifts into one of the paintings he is looking at and meets Vincent Van Gogh. The whole setting takes place in a painting, w ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Steve Jobs As Visionary Leader Of 21st Century Essay
Steve Jobs As Visionary Leader Of 21st Century - Essay Example He dropped out of college after one semester and attended lectures at Hewlett-Packard. As compared to other entrepreneurs, they would often try to get an MBA degree in the hope that this would be the key to having the great business. Even then, Jobs deviated from the traditional path because apparently, he is the pragmatic person. In fact, his main purpose then to in getting a job at Atari as a computer technician was to save money for a spiritual trip to India and returned with a shave head later( Andrews, 2009. ) Moreover, a potential entrepreneur would also try working in a company so as to accumulate work experience that can give him a background of the industry. Job’s concern was not anything like that at all. His first break came as a challenge when he was tasked ( along with Wozniak) to design a motherboard that had less computer chips. They did succeed and that was start of partnership between Wozniak and Jobs. Steve Jobs was very innovative that he did not even underwent usual business training for setting up an enterprise. According to business.gov, one of the steps an entrepreneur must accomplish in setting up a business is getting business assistance and training. This would mean having an assessment to check if one ready in setting up a business. . Apparently, Jobs missed this part since he was and always would be in good company with Wozniak. Most of the time they used intuition in launching a new product. This was not of course by chance but by hard work in the area of Research and Development. Job’s concepts were well ahead of his time and he surprised the market most of the time. Innovation was Steve Job’s legacy to the industry. Business Guru Peter Drucker himself is a supporter of innovation. In fact he asserted that the â€Å" entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it and exploits it as an opportunityâ€
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Phenomenology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Phenomenology - Essay Example According to these authors, the concerns were whether measurement, categorisation or statistical indexes that characterises the quantitative research approaches were adequate to understand a person, in its entirety; and the ability of such research paradigms to adequately explain or predict human experience (Van der Zalm and Bergum, 2000). Phenomenology, a research paradigm that in its pure form is a qualitative research approach that seek to make explicit, the implicit structure and meaning of the human experience, provided the answer to these research concerns (Sanders, 1982). In phenomenology, the human subjective experience that is obviously missing or ignored in objective scientific research approaches became a core point. ... Therefore, the phenomenological researcher is saddled with the responsibility of investigating the contents of 'conscious phenomena, both objective and subjective, or consciousness itself' (Sanders, 1982 p353). However, it must be noted, that phenomenology is a broad research approaches with several varying, and at times contradictory philosophies and approaches, but in the simplest and basic form, is defined as a qualitative method of research based on the grounds that reality consists of objects and events as they are experienced or understood in human consciousness, and the rejection of anything outside the human consciousness (American Heritage Dictionary, 2006). As a result, Embree (1997) identified the following widely accepted features of the phenomenological paradigm: the rejection of unobservable matters and grand systems erected in speculative thinking; rejection of naturalism (or objectivism and positivism), which is a worldview growing from modern natural science and technology since the Renaissance; emphasis on extracting the essence from human experiences and the value of what is known as epoch and eidetic reduction to the validity of phenomenological research (Sanders, 1982; Embree, 1997). While appreciating the several strands of opinions and approaches within phenomenology school of thought, the purpose of this paper is to provide an evaluation of phenomenology as a research approach. Therefore, this paper will provide an overview of major features of phenomenological research approach. To achieve this purpose, the paper will be structured as follows; the next section will provide a concise definition and history of the phenomenology school of
Monday, November 18, 2019
Dooms Day Scenarios (the validity of these predictions will ever Essay
Dooms Day Scenarios (the validity of these predictions will ever happen) - Essay Example It certainly looks like we are in for another lost in translation event come December 21, 2012. The year when the Mayan calendar comes to an end of its cycle. Note, it is the end of the calendar year cycle for the Mayans. It is not the end of the world prediction of the Mayans like most naysayers wish us to believe. We have to remember that this same media hype existed a mere 3 years ago. Way back in 2009, Hollywood was making big money at the box office using the various end of days scenario to sell their product. From an asteroid hitting the earth, all the way to the melting of the polar icecaps, these film events somehow managed to take on a life of their own and become the doomsday prediction for the year. the people lapped it up because if Hollywood was telling the story, then there must a semblance of truth to it right? Obviously, it is not necessary to answer that rhetorical question. Instead, the focus of all attention should be on the latest doomsday scenario slated to happe n on December 21, 2012. For this is the year that some wanna be scholars and doomsday predictors insist the world will end because the Mayans provided definite proof of it through their calendar which ends its cycle this year. However, these people have failed to mention that the Mayans actually created at least 3 other different calendars, each with a specific task. This race of people developed a calendar for every need so to speak ranging from earthly, lunar, solar, and galactic in use (â€Å"The Mayan Calendar: What is it and What Does it Really Tell Us?†). Now why would a race of people require more than one calendar? After all, modern man goes by and does really well with only one calendar that ends every year to begin a new cycle anew. The Mayans were highly advanced scientific and mathematical thinkers during their time. As such, they wanted to make sure that all of their predictions when it came to crop harvesting, the lives of their tribal leaders, etc. all had a fa ctual basis to lean on. That is exactly what these Mayan calendars were meant to be used as, calibrators in order to help them synchronize their calendars, not for use as predictors. The doomsayers say that the evidence to point towards the accuracy of the prediction already exists. What with the tsunami that hit Japan and its accompanying earthquake and nuclear disaster, there can be no clearer signs than that. Let's not also forget the fact that the ice caps are constantly melting and the earth is continuously evolving on its axis, a move that causes various shifts and changes to the way the earth functions on its own. While most of see these events as part of the evolution of a living planet, there are those who would rather prepare themselves for the end of the world as they know it. As some wise journalists explain (Radford, Benjamin â€Å"The Truth About the 2012 Doomsday Hype†): Whether or not 2012 will bring cataclysmic volcanism or a great flood, it has undeniably br ought a flood of books. New Age and doomsday authors have been cranking out 2012-themed books at an amazing pace over the past few years; there are literally thousands of such titles in print, with more on the way. Doomsday predictions are a huge money making scheme for usncrupolous characters in modern times. By hyping up the misreading of the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
How Did Napoleon Create And Maintain Power History Essay
How Did Napoleon Create And Maintain Power History Essay In George Orwells famous novel Animal Farm, Napoleon used many tools of propaganda to gain power and control over the farm. The sheep perhaps were his most important tools throughout the novel. They were, without doubt, a deciding factor in Napoleons rise to power. From the very start Napoleon had been an obvious leader among the pigs because he was well known for getting things his own way. By contributing to the various debates that took place in animal farm, he often received lots of attention from the animals. He also gained support from some animals that were too shy to express themselves; he connected with them and persuaded them to share his views. Hence, he became a representative of these animals. Napoleon also used propaganda in various situations to gain power. The sheep were the most susceptible to these methods and were a great help to his campaign. Snowball, the other pig who shared the position of leadership with him did not agree with him on many occasions. However, naturally he was a good speaker and could easily reach the animals minds and gain support with his speeches alone. So, Napoleon trained the liable sheep to start chanting their favourite slogan four legs good, two legs bad at crucial parts of Snowballs speeches to drown him out, which made it incredibly difficult for him to express his point of view to them. Because of this, Snowball could not gain much support which was exactly what Napoleon wanted. All Napoleon had to do was to put down Snowballs ideas to gain support as the animals could not be convinced by Snowball if they could not listen to him. Napoleon gained total control over animal farm through exiling Snowball. Regardless of Napoleons efforts, Snowball managed to get most of the animals support on the matter of the windmill. Napoleon knew Snowball was a great threat to his position. If Napoleon did not act soon, Snowball would soon become the undisputable leader of Animal Farm. So he got rid of this threat. Using the dogs he had secretly trained, he banished Snowball from the farm. Without Snowball around, Napoleon became the undisputed leader himself. He then banned the debates and told the animals they would follow orders instead. He did this so the animals would be powerless in any decisions made on the farm. Napoleon would be running the farm without anyone there to disagree with any decisions he made. He later sent Squealer to justify his actions. Squealer twists the truth with lies to confuse the animals to think Napoleon was right in exiling Snowball. Some phrases he uses are; Do not imagine leadership is a pleasure and it is a deep and heavy responsibility [1]. These make Napoleon seem sacrificial, which will help gain the animals sympathy. He also uses the animals fear of Jones coming back to persuade them that Napoleon is right. He creates power using many methods. Making the animals March past Old Majors skull is reinforcing his leadership and also allies himself with the loved pig. It makes the animals respect the new leader as much as the old leader. In Napoleons speeches he uses the word sacrifice and own contribution to make the animals think that what they are doing is for a greater cause which convinces them to sacrifice for the greater good. Napoleon uses Squealer to explain anything and everything to avoid making mistakes himself. Squealer uses complicated vocabulary which the simple-minded animals do not understand. When the animals protest, squealer quickly persuades them with help from the threat of violence from the dogs; it makes the animals stop with their complaints. The sheep are then used to ease the mood by bleating their slogan. It is then not possible for the animals to protest again. Throughout the novel, it becomes routine for the dogs to be seen in public with Napoleon to reinforce hi s power through violence. Napoleon also makes the animals work so hard that they are so tired and they forget how they are being turned into slaves by their leader Napoleon. They also have no time to consider rebelling against him. He does this by making the animals build the snowballs windmill that he considered useless when snowball thought of it. To explain this, he tells the animals that it was originally his idea. Napoleon exploits the animals weaknesses. When he changes the seven commandments to justify his actions, the animals are doubtful because they remember that the seven commandments were different. However Squealer tells them that they are wrong and it is just a figment of their imagination. The animals think that if napoleon says so then he must be right and so they let him get away with it. Napoleon is an opportunist. When he realises that he can turn a situation, whether good or bad, to his advantage, he does without a second thought about whom or what might have to be removed in order for him to succeed. For example, when the windmill collapses, he tells that Snowball destroyed it and turns the animals against him. From that point onwards he makes Snowball a scapegoat. Whenever something goes wrong, it is because of Snowball. This makes the animals feel that they are lucky to have Napoleon as a leader. It is also an easy way out as it keeps the animals from finding out who is really to blame. This reinforces Napoleons leadership position as he will not be blamed for anything that goes wrong and creates the vision that Napoleons is a perfect leader. With his decision regarding the timber, he uses Snowball to back him up. Since the animals are against him, the farm he is not selling to will have Snowball hiding there. This makes the animals support his decision. He maintains power through various means. By rarely appearing in public he makes it seem that he has more important matters than the animals and that they should be lucky when he does appear. Through the various killings, he eliminates anyone who is a likely threat to his leadership such as the four porkers. The others who are killed had always angered him in some way or form, such as the hens who decided to rebel; they were killed as a warning not to disobey him. At the same time, he further destroys Snowballs reputation by making the animals confess that he was planning to kill napoleon. By using statistics, another form of lies, he convinces the naÃÆ'Â ¯ve animals that the farm has grown and flourished under his rule, again making him appear an admirable leader. There are other methods he uses to maintain power. He is given tittles like Protector of the sheepfold to make the animals see his acts of sacrifice and his birthday is celebrated which makes him appear like a god, as the animals must celebrate the day he was born to thank god for his birth. He even has a poem about his greatness inscribed on the wall with a portrait of him next to it just opposite the seven commandments. This makes him appear as powerful as the very principles of animalism. He is guarded by dogs and has a food taster so that he cannot be poisoned. He spreads rumours about the terrible state that the animals on other farms are kept to make the animals feel privileged to be in animal farm. He shows his brilliance by letting the animals see the banknotes he traded for the timber. This shows the animals that there are many luxuries to be gained under napoleons rule. He makes everything seem like a victory to cover up his mistakes and to keep the animals from blaming him. An example would be the blowing up of the windmill. It makes the animals feel that although there was a slight loss they still won. This can be seen when he uses the phrase readjustments instead of reductions [1] to make reducing of food seem not too bad. There are more celebrations to cover up the animals hunger and needs. Animal farm is also proclaimed as a republic, with Napoleon as its president to make it appear as if he is just watching over the animals and not controlling them. He allows Moses to remain when he returns as he spreads false hope which makes the animals continue labouring, hoping that if life is bad now, maybe one day, Moses stories might come true and life will be better. When Boxer, the highly respected horse and role model among the animals is taken away to be slaughtered, the animals are told that he received the best medical care available but was unable to be kept alive. Boxers death is then manipulated to Napoleons advantage. Napoleon tells the animals that Boxers last words were Napoleon is always right. Since this was one of Boxers favourite mottos, it is a likely lie. The animals then make this their own motto to respect their beloved Boxer. This works out incredibly well for Napoleon. Napoleon was a treacherous character and very much an opportunist of the worst kind. He used brilliance, cunning, treachery, propaganda and many other tools to gain, create and maintain power. Animal farm remained under his tyranny throughout the entire novel.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Fallen Angels Essay -- essays research papers
Fallen Angels, by Walter Dean Myers, begins with the introduction of an African American 19-year-old boy who lives in Chicago. Recently he's joined the army and been assigned domestic work as he hoped for due to his bad leg and unreliable strength on it. Then, by accident of paperwork, he was eventually sent to Nam and put directly onto the field. He agreed to wait for his injury profile to catch up with him and that then he could return home. His mother at home is quite worried for him and also for the future of her other younger son Kenny. Life is hard and money is scarce with the absence of the family's father. In Nam, the elder son Perry undergoes many experiences that are permanently damaging to his mental physique and deal with the balance of life and death. As any Vietnam Story, me... Fallen Angels Essay -- essays research papers Fallen Angels, by Walter Dean Myers, begins with the introduction of an African American 19-year-old boy who lives in Chicago. Recently he's joined the army and been assigned domestic work as he hoped for due to his bad leg and unreliable strength on it. Then, by accident of paperwork, he was eventually sent to Nam and put directly onto the field. He agreed to wait for his injury profile to catch up with him and that then he could return home. His mother at home is quite worried for him and also for the future of her other younger son Kenny. Life is hard and money is scarce with the absence of the family's father. In Nam, the elder son Perry undergoes many experiences that are permanently damaging to his mental physique and deal with the balance of life and death. As any Vietnam Story, me...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Tesco Organisational Change
Introduction: This assignment is based on the concept of Organization change and it will discuss around various concept of change within an organization. It is based on the selection of an organization that has undergone through a change and in which people has adopted or resist the strategies of change. Aims and Objectives: This assignment will be comprise of the below mentioned objectives that will actually analyze all the changes that an organization has actually faced. * To identify the processes and model of change and what are the strategies that might help in encourages people to positively respond to that change. To identify the main drivers that has actually triggered the need for change in the organization. * To analyze the organizational change with the help of EFQM model. * To evaluate how people will react to that change and will survive within that change. * To identify the ways that can help in dealing with the resistance towards that change. * To evaluate the strategi c change initiatives and what recommendation can be made in order to gather good data and avoid biasness. What is change? According to Potter, Mark (2011) change is an activity that takes out the organization or a person out of their comfortable zone. It is sometimes positive and sometimes negative and takes time for the adjustments. According to Chhabra et al (2007) states that Organizational change is the change that comes in the overall working environment of an organization and sometimes cause discomfort to the people initially. Organizational change: According to Potter, Mark (2011) Organizational change is a state that an organization undergoes from one state to another. This change can be in the policy, strategy, technology and culture of an organization. This change can be sudden or preplanned and requires wise strategies towards the management of people working in an organization. Change management: According to searchcio-mid market. tech target. com Change management is a methodical term which deals with change both at the individual and organizational level. It deals with three different aspects. 1. Controlling change. 2. Effecting change. Tesco: According to the Tesco website it is the Britain’s foremost retail company which is dealing with 37,000 stores all over the world and have employed over 440,000 people. Tesco is dealing with 30 countries outside the United Kingdom. Tesco is actually working on the concept of change and all the employees are striving hard to respond to those changes. The name Tesco has first appeared on a shop in Edgware in 1929 and since that time this company has developed and grown up with so many new innovations and opportunities for the business and for the people as well. By the early 1990s Tesco has faced so many strong competitors and for staying at the competitive edge they need to have new strategies according to the new situations so here concept of change occurs. Sir Terry Leah was very wise in making decisions. He was the Chief executive in 1997 so he decided to find out where they are actually lacking so that they can easily work on those areas. So he found the root cause on which they need to work. He came up with the statement that we are good in buying and selling but we have actually forgotten the needs of our customers so he decided to pay much more attention to their customers. So he started this activity with the simple question asked by the customers what are we doing wrong? After this question they actually started investing in those areas that matters to customers e. g. the loyalty scheme such as club cards, Tesco. com, our internet home shopping service. He further illustrates his concept with giving ease to the customers and giving them a reason to come back to Tesco again and again. Tesco Mission Statement: â€Å"Creating values for customers, to earn their life time loyalty†. Values behind Tesco business: * No one tries harder for customers. * Treat people how we like to be treated. Objectives of the company: The main objective of the company is to better understand their customers than any organization. Tesco not only considers their customers much more important but they are also very much conscious in terms of the innovation of their products and services. Their concept behind best customer service and introducing best products are to attract their shareholders and gain the growth in sales, profits and returns. Tesco actually work around these three objectives. * To gain growth in sales, profits and returns. * To satisfy the needs of the customers by proving them best services and products. To satisfy its shareholders. Organizational change in Tesco: There is a marketing statement mentioned in ivy thesis . type pad. com that success breeds failure so it shows that nothing else is constant in business and in order to stay at the competitive edge business should respond to the changing demands of the world. Tesco has focused on these demands so that they can stay competitive and can resp ond to their competitors. The following difference can show their attention towards the demands of the world. Tesco in Past: According to Finch, Julia (2010). Tesco in the past was just like a typical traditional food retailer company that only focused on the substantial assets of the business like products, place and money. They had not paid any attention towards the intangible assets of business like customers satisfaction, services providing ease to the customers. This has actually given hard times to Tesco in the past and very soon this thing was realized by Tesco that the older methods will not work for the business as the concept of Globalization was spreading very fast so Tesco started responding to the changes required. Tesco in Present: Tesco in present has moved its attention towards more innovative and intangible things. This was the first step of Tesco towards innovation and working beyond its limits as in 1995 they introduced club cards which are now offering air miles and club card points in 5000 different venues in the UK. Rowley (2005) states that the club cards has given good opportunities for customer interactions and engaging large number of corporate partners in delivering and earning rewards. These club cards are actually building up a strong relationship among customers and Tesco. Another innovative step of Tesco is the use of internet for their customer’s i. e. Tesco. com. It has actually strengthened the communication between consumers and Tesco as people can inquire through Tesco website regarding grocery, music books and so on. According to Tesco. com (2005) customers can enter their complaints on the same website where the problem list are already present and customer’s needs to fill in the right area. These complain can be related to quality of food, out of date products and so on. For making the life easier for the customers Tesco has given more in store facilities, long opening hours, shorter queues trained staff. Topic 1 Drivers for Change: In order to find out the competitive position of an organization firstly I company need to check what factors are actually triggering for change. So what that reason lots of information is required which can tell the position of the company where it is standing at the present and where it will be in the future so making these predictions more clearer Porters 5 forces model can be used that will tell each and every aspect of that organization. Porters 5 Forces: Porter 5 forces helps in analyzing the external environment of an organization and provide beforehand preparations so that company can gets ready for any kind of pitfalls that may arise in business. It covers the following steps. * Rivalry. * Substitutes. * Buyers. * Suppliers. * Barriers to entry. Rivalry: Rivalry is the central force that involves other forces as well. Tesco has many rivals in the market so for making its position stronger and giving tough competition to its rivals Tesco always keep its position up-to-date and respond to the changing demands of the world. So the launch of club cards and other internet websites are the steps taken to stay at the competitive edge and be a strong contender for its rivals. Substitutes: Rivalry actually makes the profits zero as it is a threat. As the market has many supermarkets so they can be the substitutes for Tesco so in order to avoid missing their customers they need to provide them with extraordinary customer service. So Tesco has made that possible by giving Club cards and showing that the customers are at the heart of Tesco has actually won the loyalty of their customers. Tesco has substitute like Sainsbury which has got the similar products and has decreased the prices of products in both companies. Buyers: Power of buyer is another cause of decrease in the prices as if the cost of floor is more in Tesco buyer can easily switch over to Sainsbury. But Tesco is fortunate in this case as there are not lot big markets that makes the markets more discipline and stops them of pricing war. Supplier: Tesco has an advantage over the suppliers as they quote the price to the suppliers and suppliers have to admit that as Tesco has a strong position and they can quote on their own. If suppliers do not fulfill the demand they will have no one to sell their goods so Tesco takes a good advantage over their suppliers. Barriers to entry: Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury are the barriers to entry for the new supermarkets. As they have an advantage over the suppliers in the economy of scale as they can buy large volume of goods on less prices whereas the new entrants needs to buy small quantities very expensive. Process for change: Source: www. google. com (Kurt Lewin,1951) Unfreeze: Tesco has used the concept of unfreezing by telling their employees and realizing them the needs of their customers. They gave them the image that Tesco needs to stay at the competitive edge and for that they need the loyalty of their customers. For getting that loyalty they need to pay full attention towards the satisfaction of their customers. So they have to done some sort of technological, social and cultural changes that will increase their publicity among their customers. So they ensure the readiness of their employees towards the change in their working schedules. Change: Tesco has started the club cards in 1995 by giving full training to their employees that they always need to ask the customers â€Å"have you got a club card†this was the way of giving promotion to the club cards. Employees were also provided with the information that this strategy of launching club cards will give competitive edge to Tesco and the company can stay more in touch with the loyal customers so they just need to scan and offer the club cards to their customers who will definitely give rise to the profits. For making the employees ready for the extra work load Tesco has given them the information that they will also get 10% discount with their staff privilege card on their purchasing from the store which makes the employees happy that at least they are also getting benefits out of it. Employees were also informed of the Tesco. com and that the customers will do shopping online so they need to be more efficient and with the same thing they were given proper training that how to deal with online shopping and it will give rise to the business and the business will give them promotions and bonuses for their hard work. Refreeze: The launch of Club cards and Tesco. com has actually given rise to the Tesco sale as it makes easier for the customers that even while sitting at home they can shop whatever they want to have. It has actually increased the customers for Tesco as the slogan of Tesco says â€Å"Every little helps†so they are actually working on that as they have kept an eye on even the little needs of their customers. According to Harvey, Oliver (2007). , The UK has stated that Tesco is the most developed online grocery market in the world with more than 1. million people shopping online. ( Daily Record, 2004) Organizational change for context: According to Pagano, Margareta (1987) cultural web analysis was given by Gerry Johnson and Kevan Scholes in 1992. It can help in make observing and then making some changes in an organizations culture. It helps in exposing cultural hypothesis and practices and aligns the work with organizations elements and the strategies used within an organiz ation. As mentioned above different changes in Tesco which has given a positive rise to the business. Here in this cultural web analysis the change of introducing club cards has increased the work loads of people so what initiatives should be made in order to support the already occurred change. There are six elements which can help in making those changes stronger. Stories: Whenever a change occurs in any organization it comes with lots of previous stories like it will increase workloads without any benefits. It will give different type of job specifications so in order to avoid all these stories the employees will have in advance trainings and incentives so that they can welcome the change positively and should be ready for new challenges. Rituals and routines: The daily routine will show the change in behavior so the reward system and the bonuses should beforehand introduced so that people can work more energetically without showing any kind of negative attitude towards the increase in work. Symbols: Before implementing a new change there should have a lot of publicity as in Tesco they advertise the club cards and even the employees have got the uniform with Tesco club cards. Organizational structure: As in the case of Tesco the employees were well defined of their goals and the consequences that they will have after achieving those goals and objectives so the objectives will be clearly defined in order to support the implemented change. Control system: It is usually measure by the top management team and before implementing any sort of change all the strategies and policies are prepared beforehand. It is regarding the financial system and reward system so Tesco has also given the opportunity to its employees as 10% discount on their cards which can urther enhance their performance and strengthen the implemented change. Power structure: As the name indicates Power structure which is hold by the executives and other seniors so the steps taken like discounts for employees, Trainings regarding club cards and internet has strengthen the change so far. Topic 2 Creativity and Improvement Creativity: Creativity is the thinking up of new ideas. It is actually the dreaming up of new ideas. Whereas according to  Lorna Martin (2006). , Innovation is doing new things so it is the practical term for creativity. Source: www. google. co. uk According to Walker, Gaelle (2006). EFQM is the most widely used model with over 30,000 businesses to increase performance and increase their bottom line. It takes a holistic view of an organization and gives a diagnostic tool for the specific area of an organization which will provide strength and enhance that area with innovation and creativity. This model is divided into two parts the first one is enabler and second one are the results that can be earned through the employees efforts, the policies and strategies implemented, and the stakeholders or shareholders involved and the resources within that organization. So in the case of Tesco their strength is their team, their products. While talking about their employees they can engage their employees in more trainings and give them chances to think out of the box as the Human capital is the main asset of any company so Tesco needs to invest more on their employees and give them chances to learn more and work accordingly. So as they have got an Intranet within their organization that is the actual chance for their employee’s promotions and gives them more chances to enhance their performance by learning more and then implement their knowledge in their organization. Well Tesco has already taken a step towards innovation and creativity as they have implemented Tesco. com so in this way thousands of minds are included in Tesco and Tesco can take suggestions from the people around. By their club cards they are not only providing good saving to the customers but they are also doing surveys by checking in which area which product is selling more so in this way they are increasing the productivity of that product. So Tesco. Com is a step towards innovation. Surviving change: Surviving change is actually the concept regarding those changes that an organization has implemented. It checks whether those changes are well accepted by the organization and employees. Do those changes have given a positive rise to the business. According to Buckley, Neil (1995). , there are some steps that manage and deal with change appropriately which are as follows. 1. Acceptance for the change should be there by training and awareness. 2. Readiness for change to be happens at workplace. 3. Should have enough strategies to tackle that change. 4. Adapt to that change. 5. Feel free to go with the change. 6. Enjoy the change. 7. Always try to be ready for the change. So change is actually surviving in Tesco as they have also used the before hang readiness for the change to occur and now getting desired results as a part of business profits. Transition curve: According to  Savill, Richard (2001). Transition curve is a three stages of transition that involve ending, neutral zone and beginning which helps in assessing people that what difficulties they might face during the implementation of change. Ending: This seems to be the ending of the confidence of the employees when they deny the acceptance to change. They might think that their workplace or their work will be different so this is the ending of their hard works and acceptance to work loads. Neutral zone: This state will be the confusion state as the staff will be in between the current and the desired state. They will be uncertain about the present and the future. This can have the negative impact on the activities. Beginning: The beginning state is that state in which the employees are ready for the change and work accordingly with a positive set of mind. As in Tesco case employees are ready for the work. Conclusion and Recommendations: Change is a positive activity and it always brings about something healthy to an individual or an organization. So in the case of Tesco change was the ultimate desire of the modern time and has actually give Tesco a strong position. Club cards and Tesco. com Com are the positive changes for Tesco and has increased its sales. Staff is also very efficient in implementing and working on the change so it has given positive rise to the business. Recommendations * Although the change has been successfully implemented in company but there is still need to eradicate the perception and attitude of being one or monopolist views. The development opportunities should be offered to the front line staff for further improving the customer service. * Variety of methods should be used to training the staff and through providing them different platforms the company can fetch the creative ideas from their staff * There must be online and offline (virtual; over the web) feedback or comment section where the customers can record their feedbacks regarding the products services and their performance or further improvements. Teamwork culture, support from the management and empowerment are the necessary mediums to motivate the workforce and maintain their motivation for better productivity. * An efficient performance appraisal system is required to be implemented for judging the performance of both contract based and permanent employees and similarly compensation should be based on this fair appraisal of employees. * Further communication should be improved through extensively advertising the products to the target market and internal communication should have to be improved through making the flow of information on right time. References: * Potter, Mark (16 February 2011). â€Å"Tesco to outpace growth at global rivals – study†. Reuters. Retrieved 25 February 2011. * Finch, Julia (2 February 2010). â€Å"Tesco opens its first zero carbon store†. The Guardian (UK). Retrieved 1 September 2010. * O'Grady, Sean (16 December 2001). â€Å"Shirley Porter: Rich, flashy and corrupt with it. She's nothing like a Dame†. The Independent (London). Retrieved 13 December 2009. *  Harvey, Oliver (9 May 2007). â€Å"TESCO kills of Well St Market†. The Sun(London). Retrieved 13 December 2009. * Pagano, Margareta (16 May 1987). Shocked Hillards attacks greed of Prudential: Hartley disgusted with institutions after Tesco wins takeover battle†. The Guardian (the sun). * â€Å"Tesco accused of ‘near monopoly'†. BBC. 17 January 2006. * â€Å"Inverness: Tescotown†. Retrieved 13 March 2006. *  Lorna Martin (1 January 2006). â€Å"The supermarket that ate a town†. The Observer (UK). *  Walker, Gaelle (11 November 2006). â€Å"Online failing todeliver†. The Grocer(William Reed Publications): p. 6. *  â€Å"Business as usual for Sir Terry after 10 years in charge†. Birmingham Post(Midland Independent Newspapers): p. 24. 22 February 2007. *  Buckley, Neil (22 November 1995). People: Leahy rings Tesco's tills†. Financial Times: p. 40. *  Cunningham, Sarah (22 March 1997). â€Å"Tesco pays ? 630m for ABF's Irish business†. The Times (Times Newspapers). â€Å"Tesco's Irish move approved†. Financial Times. 7 May 1997. *  Savill, Richard (12 June 2001). â€Å"Tesco bomb blackmailer is jailed for 16 years†. The Daily Telegraph (UK). Retrieved 12 April 2011. *  Helft, Miguel (2001). â€Å"Tesco buys stake in GroceryWorks†. The Industry Standard. * O'Halloran, Marie (25 July 2009). â€Å"Unicef accuses Tesco of misusing charity slogan†. The Irish Times. *  McBride, Louise (26 July 2009). â€Å"Tesco in clash with Unicef†. The Irish Independent.  Malkin, Bonnie (14 November 2007). â€Å"Spice Girls go shopping at Tesco†. London: The Telegraph. Retrieved 19 September 2010. â€Å"AEW Architects†. AEW Architects. Retrieved 2011-08-16. *  Leroux, Marcus (22 March 2010). â€Å"Tesco’s secret chain charges customers more – Times Online†. The Times (UK). Retrieved 11 November 2010. *  â€Å"Tesco announces non-food store trials†. Retrieved 13 March 2006. *  Jordan, Dearbail (8 June 2007). â€Å"Tesco swoops on Dobbies Garden Centres†. The Times (London: Times Newspapers). Retrieved 8 June 2007. *  â€Å"Offer Declared Unconditional in all Respects†. Dobbies (Dobbies): p. 1. 17 August 2007. Retrieved 19 August 2007.
Friday, November 8, 2019
200 Homonyms, Homophones, and Homographs
200 Homonyms, Homophones, and Homographs Homonyms are two or more words that have the same sound or spelling but differ in meaning. Homophones- which means same sounds in Latin- are two or more words, such as knew and new or meat and meet, that are pronounced the same but differ in meaning, origin, and often spelling. Homographs, meanwhile, are words that have the same spelling but differ in origin, meaning, and sometimes pronunciation, such as the verb bear (to carry or endure) and the noun bear (the animal with a shaggy coat). Words that fall under any of these three categories often confuse readers and writers alike. But they need not perplex you: Understanding the meaning of these three grammatical terms and, especially, being able to recognize them can help clear up any confusion. A list of some of the most common homonyms, homophones, and homographs can help any writer use these words correctly and any reader or listener recognize them when they occur. Homonyms, Homophones, and Homographs Here is a listing of some the most common homonyms, homophones, and homographs. The first column contains homonyms in alphabetical order, while the second and third columns list the corresponding homonym, homophone, or homograph as applicable. accept - take in except - other than ad - advertisement add - join, combine advice - guidance advise - recommend aid - assist, assistance aide - one who gives assistance ail - to suffer poor health ale - a beverage air - atmosphere ere - before heir - one who inherits property aisle - a passage I'll - contraction of I will isle - island allusion - an indirect reference illusion - false appearance altar - table in a church alter - to change ate - past tense of eat eight - the number 8 bail - to clear water bail - release of a prisoner bale - a large bundle band - a ring, something that binds band - a group banned - prohibited bare - uncovered bear - large animal bear - support, yield bases - starting points bases - four stations on a baseball field basis - a basic principle beat - to strike, overcome beat - exhausted beet - a plant with red roots blew - past tense of blow blue - the color bread - baked food item bred - produced buy - purchase by - near, through bye - goodbye capital - punishable by death capital - chief city capitol - building where legislature meets ceiling - top of a room sealing - setting, fastening cell - compartment sell - vend cent - penny coin scent - an odor sent - past tense of send cereal - breakfast food serial - sequential chews - gnaws with teeth choose - to select Chile- country in South America chili - bean stew chilly - frosty chord - musical tone cord - rope cite - quote site - location sight - view close - opposite of open clothes - clothing coarse - rough course - path, procedure complement – enhance; go together compliment - praise conduct - behavior conduct - to lead council - committee counsel - guidance creak - squeak creek - stream of water crews - gangs cruise - ride on a boat days - plural of day daze - stun dear - darling deer- woodland animal desert - to abandon desert - dry land dessert - after-dinner treat dew - morning mist do - operate due - payable die - cease to exist dye - color discreet - tactful discrete - distinct doe - female dear dough - uncooked bread dual - double duel - battle elicit - draw out illicit - illegal eminent - distinguished imminent - soon ewe - female sheep you - second-person personal pronoun eye - sight organ I - first-person personal pronoun facts - true things fax - a document transmitted via telephone fair - equal fare - price fairy - elflike creature with wings ferry - boat faze - impact phase - stage feat - achievement feet - plural of foot find - to discover fined - charged a penalty fir - type of tree fur - animal hair flea - small biting insect flee - run flew - did fly flu - illness flour - powdery, ground up grain flower - blooming plant for - on behalf of fore - front four - three plus one forth - onward fourth - number four foreword - introduction to a book forward - advancing gene - a chromosome jean - fabric; pants gorilla - big ape guerrilla - warrior grease - fat Greece - country in Europe groan - moan grown - form of grow hair - head covering hare - rabbit-like animal hall - passageway haul - tow halve - cut in two parts have - possess hay - animal food hey - interjection to get attention heal - mend heel - back of foot hear - to listen here - at this place hi - hello high - up far hoarse - croaky horse - riding animal hole - opening whole - entire holey - full of holes holy - divine wholly - entirely hoarse - rough voice horse - animal hour - sixty minutes our - belonging to us knead - massage need - desire knew - did know new - not old knight - feudal horseman night - evening knot - tied rope not - negative know - have knowledge no - opposite of yes lead - metal led - was the leader leased - past tense of lease least - the minimum lessen - make smaller lesson - class loan - lend lone - solitary made - did make maid - servant mail - postage male - opposite of female marry - to wed merry - very happy meat - animal protein meet - encounter mince - to chop finely mints - type of sweet morning - a.m. mourning - remember the dead none - not any nun - woman who takes special vows oar - boat paddle or - otherwise ore - mineral oh - expression of surprise or awe owe - be obligated one - single won - did win overdo - do too much overdue - past due date pail - bucket pale - not bright pain - hurt pane - window glass peace - calm piece - segment peak – highest point peek - glance patience - being willing to wait patients - person treated in a hospital or by a doctor pear - a type of fruit pair - two (usually matching) plain - ordinary plane - flight machine plane; flat surface pole - post poll - survey poor - not rich pour - make flow pray - implore God prey - quarry principal - most important principle - belief rain – water from sky rein - bridle rap - tap wrap - drape around read - past tense of the verb to read red - color real - factual reel - roll right - correct; not left write - scribble ring - encircle wring - squeeze road - street rode - past tense of ride role - function roll - rotate rose - flower rows - lines sail - move by wind power sale - bargain price scene - landscape seen - viewed sea - ocean segment see - observe with eyes seam - joining edge seem - appear sew - connect with thread so - as a result sow - plant soar - ascend sore - hurt place sole - single soul - essence son - male child sun - the star that lights the solar system some - a few sum - amount stair - step stare - to look at steadily steal - swipe steel - alloy suite - large room in a hotel sweet - the opposite of sour tail - animal’s appendage tale - story their - belonging to them there - at that place they’re - they are threw - past tense of throw through - passing from one place to another to - toward too - also two - the number 2 toe - foot appendage tow - pull along vary - differ very - wail - howl wail - howl whale - huge sea mammal waist - area below ribs waste - squander wait – kill time weight - measurable load war - battle wore - did wear warn - caution worn - used way - path weigh - measure mass we - us wee - tiny weak - not strong week - seven days wear - to don attire where - question word weather - climate whether - if which - that witch - sorcerer wood - material coming from trees would - conditional auxiliary your - belonging to you you’re - you are Practice Using Homonyms, Homophones, and Homographs Complete each of the following sentences by filling in the blank with the correct word. Youll find the answers at the end of the exercise. To heighten interest, all of the sentences are quotes from various authors writings in books and magazine articles published over the years. Feel free to use the previous table to help you if you get stumped. â€Å"He simply sat down on the ledge and forgot everything _____ [accept or except] the marvelous mystery.†- Lawrence Sargent HallI live in the Oakland Hills in a tiny house on a street so windy you can’t drive more than ten miles per hour. I rented it because the _____ [ad or add] said this: Small house in the trees with a garden and a fireplace. Dogs welcome, of course.- Pam HoustonFrancis wondered what _____ [advice or advise] a psychiatrist would have for him.- John CheeverThe _____ [aid or aide] gets out of the way, picking her skirt out of the rubble of children at her feet.- Rosellen BrownHe seemed to want to recapture the cosseted feeling hed had when hed been sick as a child and she would serve him flat ginger _____ [ail or ale], and toast soaked in cream, and play endless card games with him, using his blanket-covered legs as a table.- Alice Elliott DarkHe sat down and leaned forward, pulling the chairs rear legs into the _____ [air, ere, or heir] so that the waitress could get by.- Stanley Elkins [T]he stewardess was moving down the _____ [aisle, Ill, or isle], like a trained nurse taking temperatures in a hospital ward, to see that they were all properly strapped in for the take-off.- Martha GellhornMrs. Parmenter laughed at his _____ [allusion or illusion] to their summer at Mrs. Sterretts, in Rome, and gave him her coat to hold.- Willa CatherIn the long years between, she had fashioned many fine dresses- gowned gay girls for their conquests and robed fair brides for the _____ [altar or alter].- Mary LernerOn a Saturday morning soon after he came to live with her, he turned over her garbage while she was at the grocery store and _____ [ate or eight] rancid bacon drippings out of a small Crisco can.- Pam DurbanThe barn was bigger than a church, and the falls fresh hay _____ [bails or bales] were stacked to the roof in the side mows.- John UpdikeHer two spare dresses were gone, her comb was gone, her checkered coat was gone, and so was the mauve hair-_____ [band or banned] with a mauve bow that had been her hat.- Vladimir Nabokov Without the shelter of those trees, there is a great exposure- back yards, clotheslines, woodpiles, patchy sheds and barns and privies- all _____ [bare or bear], exposed, provisional looking.- Alice MunroThis was the time when outfields were larger than they are today and well-hit balls would roll for a long time, giving runners ample time to round the _____ [bases or basis] for a home run.- Deidre Silva and Jackie KoneyThe conductor had his knotted signal cord to pull, and the motorman _____ [beat or beet] the foot gong with his mad heel.- Saul BellowNancy held the cup to her mouth and _____ [blew or blue] into the cup.- William FaulknerA pigeon landed nearby. It hopped on its little red feet and pecked into something that might have been a dirty piece of stale _____ [bread or bred] or dried mud.- Isaac Bashevis SingerHe was wearing a new hat of a pretty biscuit shade, for it never occurred to him to _____ [buy, by, or bye] anything of a practic al color; he had put it on for the first time and the rain was spoiling it.- Katherine Anne Porter Answers to the Exercise 1. except 2. ad 3. advice 4. aide 5. ale 6. air 7. aisle 8. allusion 9. altar 10. ate 11. bales 12. band 13. bare 14. bases 15. beat 16. blew  17. bread 18. buy Sources Hall, Lawrence Sargent. The Ledge. The Hudson Review, 1960.Houston, Pam. Waltzing the Cat. Washington Square Press, 1999, New York.Cheever, John. The Country Husband. The New Yorker, 1955.Brown, Rosellen. How to Win. The Massachusetts Review, 1975.Dark, Alice Elliott. In the Gloaming. The New Yorker. 1994.Elkins, Stanley. Criers and Kibitzers, Kibitzers and Criers. Perspective, 1962.Gellhorn, Martha. Miami-New York. The Atlantic Monthly, 1948.Cather, Willa. Double Birthday. Uncle Valentine and Other Stories. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Neb., 1986.Lerner, Mary. Little Selves. The Atlantic Monthly, 1915.Durban, Pam. Soon. The Southern Review, 1997.Updike, John. My Fathers Tears and Other Stories. Knopf, 2009, New York.Nabokov, Vladimir That in Aleppo Once... The Atlantic Monthly, 1944.Munro, Alice. Meneseteung. The New Yorker, 1989.Silva, Deidre, and Koney, Jackie. It Takes More Than Balls: The Savvy Girls Guide to Understanding and Enjoying Baseball. Skyhorse, 2008, N ew York. Bellow, Saul. A Silver Dish. The New Yorker, 1979.Faulkner, William. That Evening Sun Go Down. The American Mercury, 1931.Singer, Isaac Bashevis. The Key. A Friend of Kafka. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1979, New York.Katherine Anne Porter, Theft. The Gyroscope, 1930.
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